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XUST’s Job Announcement for Domestic and Overseas High-level Talents
发布时间:2017-01-12 11:35 发布作者:

Xi’an University of Science and Technology (XUST) lies in Xi’an, a world-famous city with numerous ancient and historical sites and remains. Its head campus stands blocks away from the Big Wild Goose Pagoda well known at home and abroad and its newly built Lintong campus close to another popular tourist resorts Huaqing Hot Springs and Terra Cotta Warriors. In 2004, XUST achieved excellence in the National Undergraduate Teaching Level Evaluation organized by Ministry of Education, and is recognized as “civilized campus” and “safe campus” in Shaanxi province and “garden campus” in Xi’an.

Xian University of Science and Technology has a long history. Its origin can be traced back to the Mining Metallurgy Department of College of Engineering, Beiyang University, which was founded in 1895. Then, it was organized to Metallurgy Department of Northwest Institute of Technology in 1938. In 1957, it was merged into the prestigious Xi’an Jiaotong University, and then one year later, it formally established as Xi’an Mining Institute, one of the only two 5-year universities subordinated to the previous Ministry of Coal Industry. In 2003, the Institute was renamed Xi’an University of Science and technology. In the year 1998, under the policy of “Jointly constructed by the central and local governments, primarily managed by the local government”, the school was incorporated into Shaanxi province. In 1999, it was renamed Xi’an College of Science and Technology, and then named as Xi’an University of Science and Technology. Jointly built by State Administration of Work Safety and Shaanxi provincial government, XUST is now renowned as member of the plan for Educating and Training Outstanding Engineers made by Ministry of Education, acquiring Government Sponsored Postgraduate Program to Construct High-level Universities in China as well as National Featured and Key Disciplines, and being supported by National University Basic Ability Project Construction Project in Mid and West. At present, XUST is known as High-level university in Shaanxi province.

XUST has two campuses: the head one located in Yanta and the new one in Lintong. Besides, there are 18 colleges and departments and a graduate school in XUST, with one state-level key discipline, 8 key disciplines at provincial level (which cover 45 secondary disciplines) and 13 key laboratories and Engineering Research Centers at provincial (ministerial) level. XUST has 6 post-doctoral centers, 5 first-level disciplines and 32 second-level disciplines to award doctoral degree, 19 first-level disciplines and 85 second-level disciplines to award master’s degree, 18 cultivation programs on Master of Engineering, 1 program to award professional master’s degree of MBA and 1 program to award professional master’s degree of MPACC, as well as 56 undergraduate programs. Featured in Mining, Geology, and the relevant disciplines, it has formed a harmoniously-developing pattern with the focus on engineering while covering science, literature, management, law, economics and art. The present enrollment is over 23,000 students, including more than 2,900 doctor students and master students.

Looking forward to the future, we will follow the school spirit of “unity, diligence, factualism, innovation” and inherit perseverant and self-disciplinary spirit to develop XUST as outstandingly featured high-level university of education and research.

We are sincerely inviting distinguished talents to join in XUST!


    1. Outstanding talents

    (1) Targets:

1. Academicians of Chinese Academy of Science

2. Academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering

3. Internationally renowned scientists, or talents who posses research level as academicians of Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering

    (2) Benefits of Employment:

1. The applicants will be provided an on-campus apartment larger than 190 square meters (the housing payment is given by the university in full subsidy; and enjoy the same policy of housing property right as other personnel after 8 complete years of work in XUST), enjoy disposable settling-in allowance for 1.5 million RMB; or will be given totally 3 million RMB as disposable subsidy of purchasing house and settling-in allowance to purchase commodity apartment off campus;

2. The applicants will be provided scientific research fund for 8 million to 15 million RMB, with a certain sum of extra lab construction fund according to the job demand;

3. During employment, the applicants will be given national-regulated salary and benefits; salary will be paid due to agreement in which the wage standard should be set by consultation;

4. The applicants will be equipped with studio (or lab) and a teaching and scientific research group for 5 to 7 people, an assistant as well as a car for work;

5. Spouses will follow the applicants and be provided jobs.

2. Leading Talents

(1) Targets:

Talents under 55 who fit any of the following conditions:

1. member of the “Thousand Talents Program” or “Ten Thousand Talents Program”;

2. member of the Cheung Kong Scholars Program of China supported by Ministry of Education;

3. director of State Key Laboratory and engineering centers;

4. chief scientist of National 973 Project and 863 Project;

5. winner of National Science Foundation for distinguished young scholars;

6. possess prominent achievements, publish at least 1 paper in SCIENCE, NATURE as the first author in recent 5 years;

7. other personnel who fit in the familiar conditions as above.

(2) Benefits of Employment:

1. The applicants will be provided an on-campus apartment larger than 160 square meters (the housing payment is given by the university in full subsidy; and enjoy the same policy of housing property right as other personnel after 8 complete years of work in XUST), enjoy disposable settling-in allowance for 1 million RMB; or will be given totally 2 million RMB as disposable subsidy of purchasing house and settling-in allowance to purchase commodity apartment off campus;

2. The applicants will be provided scientific research fund for 3 million to 6 million RMB, with a certain sum of extra lab construction fund according to the job demand;

3. During employment, the applicants will be given national-regulated salary and benefits;

4. The applicants will be equipped with studio (or lab) and a teaching and scientific research group for 5 to 7 people as well as a car for work;

5. Spouses will follow the applicants and be provided jobs.

3. Leading Researcher

(1) Targets:

Talents under 45 who fit any of the following conditions:

1. member of the subject consultative group of the State Council;

2. member of “Youth Thousand Talents Program”;

3. outstanding young scholar of “10 Thousand Talents Program”;

4. director of key project of National (Natural and Social) Science Foundation of China;

5. member of National Outstanding Youth Science Fund;

6. member of the “100 Talent Program” of Chinese Academy of Science;

7. own prominent accomplishment; published no less than 15 papers in the specific subject (which were retrieved by SCI, SSCI and A&HCI or copied in full page by Xinhua Digest) as the first author on the key academic journals, or with an accumulated impact factor of more than 20, including publishing at least 5 papers or with an accumulated impact factor of more than 10 in recent 5 years;

8. other personnel who fit in the familiar conditions as above.

(2) Benefits of Employment:

1. The applicants will be provided an on-campus apartment larger than 140 square meters (the housing payment is given by the university in full subsidy; enjoy the same policy of housing property right as other personnel after 8 complete years of work in XUST), and enjoy disposable settling-in allowance for 500,000 RMB; or will be given totally 1.2 million RMB as disposable subsidy of purchasing house and settling-in allowance to purchase commodity apartment off campus;

2. The applicants will be provided scientific research fund for 1 million to 3 million RMB, with a certain sum of extra lab construction fund according to the job demand;

3. During employment, the applicants will be given national-regulated salary and benefits;

4. The applicants will be equipped with studio (or lab);

5. Jobs will be provided to spouses.

4. Academic Backbones

(1) Targets:

1. member of “New Century Talent Supporting Project” by Ministry of Education;

2. disciplinary leading talent of key subjects at provincial and ministerial level;

3. leading talent of youth science and technology at the provincial level or talent at the same research level;

4. the first prize winner (the first person) of scientific and technical award at the provincial level;

5. member of “Sanqin Scholars” in Shaanxi and “Hundred Talents Program” or talents at the same research level in other provinces;

6. member of scientific research group of disciplinary leading talent or distinguished professor;

7. own prominent accomplishment; published no less than 10 papers in the specific subject (which were retrieved by SCI, SSCI and A&HCI or copied in full page by Xinhua Digest) as the first author on the key academic journals, or with an accumulated impact factor of more than 10, including publishing at least 3 papers or with an accumulated impact factor of more than 10 in recent 5 years.

(2) Benefits of Employment:

1. The applicants will be provided an on-campus apartment larger than 120 square meters (the housing payment is given by the university in full subsidy; enjoy the same policy of housing property right as other personnel after 8 complete years of work in XUST), enjoy disposable settling-in allowance for 300,000 RMB; or will be given totally 800,000 RMB as disposable subsidy of purchasing house and settling-in allowance to purchase commodity apartment off campus;

2. The applicants will be provided scientific research fund for 500,000 to 1million RMB, with a certain sum of extra lab construction fund according to the job demand;

3. During employment, the applicants will be given national-regulated salary and benefits; enjoy talent subsidy for 100,000 RMB per year within 5 years;

4. The applicants will be equipped with studio (or lab);

5. Jobs will be provided to spouses.

5. Excellent Doctors from Home and Abroad

(1) Targets:

Excellent doctoral graduates from home and abroad; under 35; acquired bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and doctor’s degree from 211 Project and 985 Project Universities, national academy or institute of science as well as overseas colleges and universities; possess overseas studying experience for no less than 1 year; doctorial tutor is renowned domestically and internationally; own prominent accomplishment, joined major science research project on the national level in recent 3 years, and published no less than 5 papers (at least 2 were retrieved by SCI and SSCI) as the first author on the core journals.

(2) Benefits of Employment:

1. The applicants will be allocated an apartment with the area of 80 square meters on campus (payment should be afforded by the applicants themselves), enjoy disposable settling-in allowance for 200,000 RMB; or will be given totally 400,000 RMB as disposable subsidy of purchasing house and settling-in allowance to purchase commodity apartment off campus;

2. The applicants will be given scientific research fund for 200,000 RMB;

3. The applicants enjoy national-regulated salary and benefit.

    Address: No. 53 Yanta Mid Road, Xi’an.

Zip code: 710054

Contact: Mr. Ning/Mr. Zhang

Tel/Fax: 029-83858179

    Mobile: 18702963082

    Web: http://www.xust.edu.cn/

    Email: xustjob@163.com (Layout of resume: education background+name +major+school+position)

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